The Workshop of cycling development in Five metropolises of iran

The Workshop of cycling development in Five  metropolises of iran

Holding  workshops with Netherlands Bicycle Partnership(NBP) for promoting cycling  in 5 metropolisis of Iran
(Tabriz, Mashhad, Yazd, Qazvin, Karaj)

  9th till 19th of December 2018

   Rahyaft andesheh farda Consultaning engineering and our Dutch partner (The Netherlands Bicycle Partnership) executed the workshops on the opportunitis for Urban cycling development in 5 metropolisis of Iran.
These workshops have been attended by 40/50 persons on average including the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Council members, Municipal responsible officials and last but not least Bicycle activists. The presentations have been received positively and have had a positive impact on the concept of Urban cycling as a solution for traffic congestion and improvement of air quality. The workshops have had a exposure on social media and local press

Workshops on Cycling Development - Tabriz

Workshops on Cycling Development - Mashhad


Workshops on Cycling Development - Yazd

Workshops on Cycling Development - Karaj

Workshops on Cycling Development - Qazvin

In adition to, Based on the protocol between Iran and the Netherlands on the development of cycling; we selected these 5 cities  with potential for bike developement in iran

History of bicycle usage

Available infrastructure

Urban management
