The exhibition was held by ministry of road & urban development Islamic Republic of Iran, in Tehran, Between 18th to 20th of December . Public and private companies participated in the exhibition to present their experiences and abilities in fields of:
- Road design and study
- Road, tunnel and bridges construction
- Pavement design
- Road Signs and facilities
- Urban and rural road intelligent solutions
- Logistics centers study, design and operation
- Fleet supply and management
- Road construction machinery
- Road maintenance and operation
- Transportation education, information and culture
Also Public sector companies from road, rail, sea and air transportation organizations, participated in the exhibition.
Rahyaft Andisheh Farda consulting engineers (RAF), was the only consulting company in traffic and transportation field which participated in the exhibition and showed its experiences in traffic engineering and transportation planning, rail transportation, urban transit, road safety, non-motorized urban transportation, road design projects and codification.
One of the RAF aim of participating in this exhibition, was making some new relationships with public organization and private companies which are defining and doing national and international projects and in this regard, some meetings were held in management and technical levels.
To extend the international activities, RAF had
some meetings with international firms which visited the exhibition.